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HCTV Studio     April 13, 2009
800 Main Street 7:30 P.M.

MEMBERS PRESENT:         Larry Popple, Hank Ouellette, Duffy Tilson, Ginny Ursin
ALSO PRESENT:   Johnny Suire, Public Access Director

The Minutes of Meeting #206, December 8, 2008 and Meeting #207, February 9, 2009 were accepted with minor corrections.

Charter License Renewal: Larry met with Tom Cohan from Charter in February to discuss the license. It appears there are no real obstacles to renewing the license in pretty much the same form that it has been for the last 10 years. Tom gave Larry an electronic copy of Charter's proposal for the renewal which Larry will forward to the committee. Charter is proposing a renewal of 5 years. Tom verbally indicated that the present 4 1/2 percent access grant was acceptable.

Grant Check: The Charter grant check due by March 31st has not been received. Johnny is tracking it down.

WRHS Wiring: The cable installation to the auditorium, Black Box Theater and Media Center is complete. There were some problems with the special town meeting in March but they are being ironed out. However, it is evident that based on that experience we need a permanent set-up similiar to Memorial Hall and the Senior Center to cablecast successfully from the WRHS Auditorium. Right now all equipment (including control room) must be brought up to the balcony from the black box theater or from outside for each event. This is proving to be difficult and unreliable. The Charter van is no longer usable since there are no cables long enough to reach the auditorium from the outside. The stage door where the van previously parked was walled in by a new addition. The only practical place for a control room is on the new balcony. Although there is an elevator it is frequently out-of-order. In addition to town meetings, there are many special events such as concerts that will benefit from a permanent set-up. The committee was in agreement that a remote package should be a priority for the WRHS Auditorium in the near future.

WRSD Literacy Project: Johnny has finished the first phase of the district wide literacy project. So far it has involved him in 4 hours each at 8 schools and 40-60 hours in the editing room for a total of at least 100 person hours. Johnny showed the committee part of the project, and we were impressed with the professional quality of the production. The committe congratulated Johnny on his hard work and expertise and thanked him for achieving one of the long term goals of the committee: bringing the school district into access programming.

Help at H.O.M.E. Committee: Johnny has become involved with this Holden Town Committee which promotes the Welcome Aldrich Relief Fund. This Fund is supported entirely by donations and is used to assist Holden residents, regardless of age, with their home heating fuel, utility and other bills for essential needs. A brochure has been produced that gives information to assist townspeople in need assistance. The committee PASSED a motion to provide up to $2,000.00 to print this brochure.

Production Updates from Johnny:
a. On the Road: Castle Cleaners and Village Auto Repair;
b. Faces & Places continues with Eric producing;
c. Memorial Day Parade Committee is planning this year's parade;
d. Eric is doing 4 WRHS girls lacrosse games;
e. Board of Health Presentation at the Senior Center;
f. Holden Candidate's Forum April 30th: Selectmen and School Committee;
g. Installments on the American Legion Post;
h.Taste of the Towns in November;
i. Chamber Salute Breakfast next week;
j. Chamber Golf Scramble in May.

Ian McGuiness: Johnny's told us about his new intern/volunteer from Franklin Pierce University.

Next Meeting: Tentatively scheduled for Monday, June 8, 2009 at 7:30 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Larry Popple